Creative Vessel

Don’t Mix Liquors
Photographs By Rick Perez
Chase Dillon - artist, musician, and star of the Reckless Magazine original film “Paradise Found” - talks about overcoming self-criticism, catering to other artists as a producer, and always keeping toilet paper in your car. Photographs taken during the filming of “Paradise Found”.
Glamis Sand Dunes, USA
Who is Chase Dillon?
I guess I would sum myself up as an artist. I sing, write songs, & play several instruments. I also produce music & draw pictures, both for a living & for fun. I'm also modeling now, which has been great. I'm just a regular six foot four, sexually-ambiguous, semi-androgynous, white-haired, artist. Oh & I'm a Gemini.
When did you decide that you wanted to pursue art as a career? What kind of struggles have you faced in this pursuit?
I've pretty much always wanted to do this. I never wanted to do anything with my life that required school, so I never went to college or anything like that. I think the only struggles I've really faced along the way are my own self-criticism, but for the most part I've loved every step of the way & lived with very few regrets, if any!
Top 3 things you have learned over the years:
All I know is: don't mix liquors, always keep some toilet paper in your car, & you only fail once you give up. (For the record, none of those have anything to do with each other.. haha)
Top 3 things you WANT to learn over the next few years:
I'm really trying to learn how to cook, how to surf, & where to find the best breakfast in LA. Still haven't found "the one" yet, ya know?
What has your journey as a musician been like?
So, after years of begging my dad to get me a guitar, he finally buckled & got me a classical nylon string acoustic when I was about eleven. From there I figured out some Blink 182 covers by ear, then started writing my own songs. About a year later my dad got me a digital 8-track & I started recording myself as I learned more instruments. Then I pretty much just kept on trying to outdo myself.
I was in various bands & music projects throughout high school, then eventually started the band Clouseáux back in 2013 as lead singer. Over the years, our lineup changed & grew stronger, but we went into a bit of a hiatus when COVID hit; eventually leading to us laying Clouseáux to rest in lieu of going a new direction, with a new name & a new sound, but the same members.. SO, since we're in the middle of a little "rebranding" at the moment, my musical focus these days has been on producing for other artists. I make beats, sometimes write melodies using the client's lyrics, mix & master the tracks. It's pretty rewarding & pays pretty well. I'd always dreamt of only doing music for a living & now here I am doing it. Feels good. I mean it'd feel even better if I was super rich for it, but all in due time. It still feels really good!
Which past music project do you miss being a part of?
I miss my band's old lineup sometimes, I guess... but since I live with my bass player I mostly miss our drummer! And playing live!
As a producer, what is the biggest difference between being behind the scenes and being the actual artist? Who are you working with currently?
I've been producing myself for such a long time now that being artist & producer were pretty synonymous to me, but since I started producing for clients I've really realized that everyone has different capabilities & limitations, which keeps things much more interesting/challenging to figure out how to cater to other artists' needs.
Tell us about your latest project
So, with my band still currently nameless & our drummer being pregnant, lately I've been making some music with a fellow model/musician Aubzzz! We've got a song we're really excited about called "Lost Kid" coming out soon, as well as a couple others still being written that are becoming quite the bangers. It's been awesome writing with artist again as opposed to for one & the results are magical!
What has your journey as a visual artist been like?
When I was a kid & the teacher would assign a group project that involved drawing anything, the whole class would turn & look at me.. things really haven't changed, I just get paid now! LOL
How has your style changed over the years?
I used to draw things I thought were "cool" or "edgy" or whatever I was into as a teenager, but nowadays I pretty much only draw things that are sexy or bizarre.. or both! Oh & I used an iPad with Adobe Illustrator, now - no more pencil for this guy.
What kind of fulfillment does this give you?
I love beauty. So, if I can sit back & admire a picture I've drawn it feels really good. If I can't then it's not done. I guess I like being responsible for making images.
What are you working on now?
Earlier this week I finished up my first logo commission in about a year & personally I'm working on a steamy portrait of Bellatrix LeStrange & Narcissa Malfoy from Harry Potter just for fun!
What has your journey as a model been like?
A slooow one. I've been asked to model for friend's clothing brands/photography portfolios here & there ever since high school, but started actually taking it seriously only about six months ago. I quit drinking regularly, I started working out twice a day, & have been taking extra care of my skin. Originally it was just to look better in photos, but it's really affected the rest of my life pretty positively, as well, & improved my quality of life pretty significantly. So, it's kind of begun to make me into a better version of myself.
How does being in front of the camera allow you to express yourself creatively?
I'm still figuring that out, I think. I know that it feels awesome being able to inspire authenticity & self-acceptance by simply displaying the vessel I was born into. My poses & expressions aren't always perfect, but I see the way people react to my really strong shots & it's not jealousy or envy.. it's "maybe being in front of a camera isn't so scary" & I think that's really rad!
What kind of challenges have you come across?
Again.. I'd have to say self-criticism & doubt. I mean, there's not getting chosen for a casting call or the occasional scam, but my main challenge is just not getting down on myself. I can usually shut down my own negativity, but some days are definitely harder than others. Just gotta have a little kush nearby while I'm submitting in case it starts to drag.
Favorite shoots?
Well, aside from the sand dunes shoot for Reckless Magazine, my favorite shoot so far would probably be either of my two last ones in San Diego. Aubzzz & I did a streetwear "skater kid" shoot by the conference center as well as a steamy boudoir studio shoot on the same day, a couple weeks ago. Between being more in shape, loving the color of my hair right now, & the newly found enjoyment in having another model to play off of all made for a very enjoyable experience. Plus, the pictures came out fire!
What's next for you?
I'm working on finding somewhere to bartend right now, since that's something I've always wanted to do & know I could make a decent bit of money doing without affecting my other work too much. Besides that, though, I'm just making music with my band, various other artists, drawing things as jobs & inspiration reveal themselves, submitting to modeling agencies, & trying to have as much fun doing it all as possible!