Mountains of Water

Hard Work Pays Off
Photography by Oscar Hetherington
Sony Alpha Award winning photographer Oscar Hetherington talks about how photography is subjective, winning the 2020 Sony Alpha Awards Grand Prize, and showing people what they normally don’t see.
South Island, New Zealand
What is your history as a photographer?
Basically, I picked up an old family camera when I was about 12 years old and just took photos of things me and my mates would get up to. It was always just a fun thing to do and it was cool to show people photos of places we would go and the things we would do. It was always just for fun and then when I was about 16, I started to get really passionate about it and now it's awesome to combine fun with my work.
How did you start surfing? How does it inspire your photography?
I lived in Australia for a few years and when I was around 10 I got into surfing. Since then, I've always loved the ocean and all sports based around it but surfing in particular. I guess as inspiration to shoot in the water you have to understand surfing so I always try and get close to the action and try to capture angles that normally only surfs get to see. I love the idea that every shot in the water is taken with the view as if your paddling back out yourself. I'm also inspired greatly by the people, landscapes, and culture around me.
How would you describe your style? What makes your eye unique?
It's hard to describe my style. I guess I'd hope the images would speak for themselves. I often try to get as creative as possible without taking away from the subject and idea of the photo. Trying to show people what they can't normally see. I like to approach the ocean as a landscape that's always changing. Waves are just mountains of water so I try to show this through my imagery.
What is your favorite place to photograph and why?
My favourite place to shoot would have to be the Otago Peninsula and the surrounding beaches. Basically just because it has world class waves, no crowds due to the cold temperatures, and epic scenery. It also gets swell so consistently and no matter if it's stormy and wild or perfect small waves there's always something different and unique to shot depending on the mood.
Tell the story behind one of your favorite photographs
Hard to answer this question. I'm probably most proud of my photo "Backwash" that one the 2020 Sony Alpha Awards Grand Prize. The image is a personal favourite of mine and I'm also proud of getting such high recognition of the photo that was taken solely for fun. A Lot of my work that I share is passion based so when something that I've worked at for a while get noticed at such a high level I am incredibly honoured. It kind of enforces the idea that hard work pays off. I'm pretty proud of that image as it was taken a few day's after lockdown ended in New Zealand so it had been an idea for a while and to have everything finally line up and me to capture that image was awesome in itself.
How has photography changed your life?
Photography has given me a passion and a job that I love. I invest a lot of my spare time into photography and there isn't anything I'd rather do. It has taught me many things, given me some great opportunities, and taken me to some amazing places with some cool people.
What advice would you give young Oscar?
Simple piece of advice I live by. While you’re sleeping someone else is working hard, so don't waste any time; take every opportunity that you’re given and you'll find that eventually hard work will pay off. Also, just do what you enjoy, do what makes you happy, and don't worry about what others think about your work. Photography is art and art is subjective so not everyone will like what your creating.
What’s next for you?
Next for me is to finish studying photography and design communication and to continue to create images that I'm proud of as well as grow my own photography as a business. I'm currently just about to release my first photo book "LORE" which is focused on the southern shores of New Zealand, the surfing culture around this part of the world, and the amazing seascapes and landscapes.