
Vibrant and Nasty
Photography by Anthony Mehlhaff
From throwing shows under bridges to lighting coffins on fire, photographer Anthony Mehlhaff tells us why Los Angeles has the best DIY punk rock scene in the country.
Los Angeles, California
Anthony Mehlhaff is a photographer who documents Los Angeles DIY punk scene in all its wild glory. “It’s a fucking time capsule, man,” he says, explaining why he loves shooting this scene. “Right fucking now (at least before COVID-19) LA has one of, if not the BEST, punk rock/DIY scenes in the fucking country! There are so many bands, artists, and people contributing to the DIY scene. It’s been fucking nuts! I even threw a couple shows last year and I’m teaming up with my homie Tommy of SWEATBAND RECORDS to put out 4 albums on vinyl including a WACKO/CRIMEWAVE Split and a COVID COMP, the sickest comp know to mankind! So the scene has me buzzing! “
A lot of the shows that he photographs are thrown at DIY venues all over the Los Angeles area. “The best shows are happening in alternative spots and pop-up shows!” Anthony tells Reckless, going into detail of where they are. “Under bridges, abandoned houses, and freeway under passes. Also, Denny’s had one of the best shows ever! Hahahaha, no joke. DIY spots like Non-Plus Ultra, The Church of Fun, and The Factory have been popping off for years. My 2 favorite new spots are Tromaville in South Central and my all time favorite The CBR House in Vernon! Holy fuck! I saw COMBAT SHOCK, DEAD HEAT, RISK, SECTION H8 AND DRAIN show at The CBR House and that show bumped Church of Fun from my top spot. But let me make this clear: Church of Fun never throws a bad show and my all time favorite bands and shows were first discovered at The Church!”
Getting more involved in the scene, Anthony started throwing his own shows. “Throwing shows is so much more work than just showing up and throwing my body and a couple drinks around,” he says. “At least the way I’ve been throwing them. I want them to be events and not just a show. They have to have sick bands, vendors, and extras! We try to add special guest hosts and special surprises during the show! Oh and props! Ya gotta have props! Bouncy balls, confetti, goo, toys and piñatas! One of our shows we had SKINNER host and introduced The LORD OFTHE PIT CHAMPIONSHIP BELT. This 24 karat world heavyweight championship belt goes home with the pit master of the night! We also have had a casket at 2 shows and both times people lost their shit! At one epic show that got rolled by 5.0, we had a 2nd after party scheduled by a homie and the bands that didn’t play got to crash that show. The band was Wacko and their fans lit the casket on fire and were diving off that shit early into the morning! So, I guess I make throwing shows harder on myself but lots of homies help out and all the hard work has always payed off and the bands and crowds are always nuts. “
The feeling of these shows are really captured in his photographs. “My style, (most of the time) has come from really wanting to both party in the pit and capture the psychos up close and personal! My style has been described as vibrant and nasty! I really try to capture photos that make you want to go to see that band or ones that might make some people thinking twice about going to a show I’m at. Hahaha, jk. Come out to all the shows!!! That’s my goal, to take photos that make people wanna go to the next show! That and to sweat through at least 4 shirts a night!”
The rebellious energy of his photographs goes back all the way to his childhood. “I had no real parents and therefore never felt the need to listen to anybody,” he remembers. “I was raised by television, arcade video games, and lots of music adults didn’t want me to listen to. Also, early internet in all its gore and sex shaped my lil’ fucked up mind. Being poor and bored was also a great addition to my want to create shit. I’ve always hated all gods and authority so anything that followed that mind frame got me excited.”
Being in foster care also added to his character. “I grew up in many households all over central California. As a foster kid from when I was 6 till about 16 and had parents including Pilipino parents and 2 gays Dads. Being in various households, environments, and living with adults of extremely varying view points really molded me into the person I have become.”
Although he most known for shooting bands, Anthony’s favorite subject is his daughter. “I didn’t start shooting photography until my daughter, Violet was born about 8 years ago. I wanted to capture her life and between my wife and I, we have photographed everyday of her life. I still photograph my daughter everyday. She’s my #1 subject!”
Anthony loves shooting because he loves to relive memorable nights. “Photography has changed my life because it allows me to capture moments in time. Moments that I look back and immediately I’m transported to that night! Everything is better at a show when I can capture a few killer snaps! I’m doing this for the old person I’m rapidly becoming! My skills with the camera has also made bands trust me as a promoter and has really helped lock bands in! Hahahah, believe it or not! What have you learned oh course I’ve improved over the years but the most valuable thing I’ve learned in the photography game is to just snap and try new shit.”
What does the future hold for Anthony Mehlhaff? Everything and anything. “The future is limitless. I wanna tour the world and get payed to snap photos and enjoy all the weird places and people of the world. I have plans for collaborations with artists, fellow photographers, musicians, and illustrators. Zines, podcasts, music, and lots and lots of events and festivals! Last week was suppose to be my first festival show with another local promoter , (Ray of Pit promotions). It has been rescheduled for July and figures crossed it will happen. It’s called “Grind Now, Die Later” and features 15 plus bands including, ACxDC, FUCKED AND BOUND, CUNTS, GRAF ORLOCK, SKULLCRACK and so many more killer bands! See ya there!”