
”I had a photography gig in Joshua Tree, California, so I invited a few of my friends to stay for the weekend. I told them to bring a bunch of different items of clothing and accessories that flowed and where I couldn’t see their faces. Collectively, the items had an all-black, goth feel and it contrasted well with the warm colors of the desert.
This was all improvised so I had no story line coming in and directed people on the spot. Looking back at the photographs, it seemed like the main character, Lexi (who’s face isn’t covered), is being cast under a spell and is being initiated into the group. It has an occult feel, but I don’t think it’s that dark. She wants to be initiated, she wants to be apart of the group. In this story, she’s happy that she has finally found a group to belongs to. At the end of the day, don’t we all want to belong?”
-Rick Perez