Miami's Most Wanted

Artists Immortalized
Photography By Camden Colwell
Miami, Florida, USA
Camden Colwell is a photographer living in Parkland, Florida, but mostly shoots in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale. “Being in the city always has inspired so many ideas that don’t come about in rural areas,” he says. “Something about being surrounded by massive architecture as well as diverse culture really promotes creative shoots.”
Being surrounded by artistic friends also pushes his creativity, “The majority of my friends and acquaintances have a dream or passion that they are pursuing.” He loves being in this creative hub where where art is always flowing. “All different varieties of musicians emerge from this area from rap to indie to metal,” he says, “Not to mention the extremely talented graphic designers and upcoming YouTube stars who remind me that I’m not a lone in my creative process. Being able to collaborate and interact with these people helps me stay motivated to pursue my goals.”
Camden’s favorite subjects are people, specifically the artists that inspire him. “Photographing a landscape scene can be beautiful and intricate,” he explains, “but no where near as interesting as capturing raw human emotion. Every single person I come across and have the pleasure of shooting has a different way of expressing themselves verbally and physically. It is quite intriguing to be able to witness firsthand the way people react to a camera and being immortalized digitally.”
When preparing for a shoot, Camden says that he usually goes over different poses and lighting angles in in his head. “Charging and cleaning all my equipment is necessary a long with mental preparation,” he adds, “A strong photo needs 5 elements: unique angles, adequate lighting, and creative posing, vibrance, and emotion. A strong photo is one that can be felt.”
When it comes to the future, Camden is driven and optimistic. “A year from now,” he says, “I see myself gaining a larger following while slowly becoming financially dependent on my work. 5 years from now I will be supporting myself solely through photography, and living in either Miami, New York, or California. My ultimate goal is to be able to channel all of my energy into my craft, while gaining profit and experience. I wish to be able to photograph as many people on this planet as possible and gain a following larger than I could imagine.”