
Where We Wish We Could Be
Photographs by Catherine Coppenrath
Written by Anuarite Chizungu
Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California, USA
Weightlessness. That is what I get from Catherine Coppenrath. The feeling of all the fears you have ever had melting away and what is left is your authentic self. Her father was an underwater photographer and the influence in evident. Color flows effortlessly creating the wonderland where we all wish we could be. Shooting mostly women, Cat explores femininity and the human experience in hopes of creating a safe space for all the marginalized of the world. This social justice warrior is about reclaiming her identity but most importantly self-care for others. To Cat, art is vulnerability, to that I say let’s get naked.
To See More of Catherine’s Work, Follow Her Instagram @voodooeyefoto
Rick Perez