Club Probation

One Punk Night
Photographs by Nikko Knösch, @nikkoknosch
Photographer Nikko Knosch documents a show at Club Probation in Stockholm, Sweden, giving us a glimpse into the city’s punk rock scene.
Stockholm, Sweden
“The punk scene in Stockholm is not very large,” says Nikko, “and I’ve been a part of it for about 13 years or so playing in bands, setting up shows. and releasing records. When you’ve been a part of the scene for this long in Stockholm, you basically know almost all the people attending the shows.”
Using his Canon Top Shot with Kodak Tri-X film, he went to Club Probation and shot the band Projekt 9, along with his friends who are part of the scene as well. “At this particular gig, there were a lot of close friends of mine who played and who I play with in other projects,” Nikko said, talking about the people in the photographs. “I go to a lot of gigs, or at least I used to. With all work I do, I go to fewer gigs these days, unfortunately. When I do I’m always been bringing my camera and taking photos of the bands playing. “