Nobody Walks in L.A.

Photographs By Rick Perez, @goodtimerickstudios
New York City musicians Jess Dye and Jono Bernstein, from the band High Waisted, give a New York perspective on the City of Angels.
Los Angeles, California, USA
Jess Dye and Jono Bernstein
What brought you to Los Angeles?
Jess: My bandmate and I came out to LA to shoot an amazing music video with our buddy Zach Wright for our new single "Boys Can't Dance" debuting in early 2020.
Jono: Visiting LA during the holiday season is one of the best ways for a New Yorker to live out the last week before peak holiday season and the onslaught of winter in the Northeast. Like Jess said, we shot a music video with Zach Wright, Zach Bass and their incredible group of friends. We also got to see you Rick and met the lovely Edgar!
How often do you come?
Jess: I try to escape from NY to LA about 4-6 times a year, I love the sunshine!
Jono: I’ll visit some years more than others but at least once a year. 2020 is looking like two or three times already.
What do you like about LA? What don't you like?
Jess: I love the palm tree lined streets, amazing food, great live music and the general happy vibes of the west coast. Oh and getting to nom on In & Out Burger! My only gripe is traffic but only because I get car sick so easily.
Jono: A few of my best friends moved out California and always it’s great to catch up. I feel like I usually stay just long enough to enjoy the good parts.
What are some differences between LA and NYC? Things you miss about NYC when you visit and things you wish NYC has that LA does
Jess: I don’t think I can live without NYC transit, bagels, and nightlife. But on the flip side, the first thing I do every time I come to LA is visit a new hole in the wall Mexican restaurant.
Jono: The pollution in LA isn’t as bad as NY (it seems) so that’s a huge plus, as well as weed being legal , but I’d absolutely miss the changing seasons—time just wouldn’t pass the same.
Can you compare music and art scenes?
Jess: My LA creative circle are all early risers. Something about that 1:30 am last call bar culture and health conscious attitudes lends itself to productivity and determination. Everyone you meet has their hands in a million projects. It’s easy in nyc to blame the scenery - to get sucked into nightlife and never pull out. It’s also probably pretty easy to take consistently beautiful weather for granted.
Jono: The style in New York is better than in LA (except for a few of my very stylish friends, you know who you are) and I feel like the music is more pop oriented—but please prove me wrong. I’d have spend a legitimately decent amount of time in LA to give this honest answer though—a week long trip doesn’t do answer justice. No hard feelings :)
How does LA inspire you?
Jess: There's something about waking up to sunshine every day that sets the tone for my creativity. The proximity to hiking, ocean swimming and desert landscape makes it magical to me.
Jono: There’s an entirely different energy in LA. It’s not better or worse than New York City but a fresh perspective that gets me out of my typical way of approaching things. Whether it be the people or landscape, I just have the chance to take a different approach.