Summer Heat

Rooftops and Skinny Dipping in New York City
Written and photographed by Rick Perez, @goodtimerickstudios
Summer has always been my favorite time of year in New York City. It’s when the city really comes to life. Everyone shakes off their winter hibernation, puts on their sexiest outfits, and revels in the fleeting joy of the warm summer air. When I called NYC home, my friends and would spend our summer days outside, exploring every foot of that magical city. As soon as the sun started to set, we would retreat to the rooftops, gazing at that famous Manhattan skyline while pouring tequila into our cups.
My most recent visit back to my former home was in July, right in the middle of Summer’s most intense heat wave. I found the city the same as I’d left it last time I summered there; hot, sexy, and sweaty. I wanted nothing more than to continue the traditions of non-stop exploring and getting drunk on rooftops. One party in particular became a highlight of that trip, a sultry shindig I threw at a friend’s place.
During my glory days in New York, life was one non-stop party. I would be out every night, taking pictures and dancing until the sun came up. Often, my house would be the setting of these massive parties, filled with 100 or so beautiful people from all over the world. There would be orgies and drugs and memories we would never forget. In this debauchery my nickname ‘Good Time Rick' was born.
The spirit of those days was definitely in attendance this July. An old friend, Samantha, loaned me here roof in Bushwick, Brooklyn to throw a Good Time bash in my signature style. It was 95 degrees even as the sun was setting. Nonetheless, a good mix of people came, most of whom hadn’t seen each other since my going away party.
It was pretty mellow at first. Lots of catching up, and many separate groups chatting and mingling. But before I knew it, three people were naked in a random kiddie pool that was on the roof.
“On man, this a Good Time Rick party, now!” My friend James yelled as everyone laughed.
As the night went on, more and more people started taking off their clothes and joining in. And of course, I had to get naked too. At one point, there were 11 naked bodies in that small, inflatable pool. There were men and women, gay, straight, bi, fluid, testing boundaries and letting go of our inhibitions.
The rest of the night is a story for another time.
With this story, I wanted to highlight the people that make the New York City so great. My friends are a crazy cast of characters, dotted with introverted writers and eccentric performers. They are beautiful, wild, supportive, and inspiring. In my years of living there, they fed my creativity and encouraged me to be true to myself. We chose each other to be family and I am so thankful they are in my life.
Also, how great is it to have friends you can party naked with?! Friends that get naked together, stay together.